Have to read this weekend -_-, gonna screw around all weekend and read the night before cuz yolo, GG. Might have a game on saturday but its most likely gonna rain so no game, GG
No comprendo. What does yolo and GG mean? Wikipedia:
Good game, internet slang that may be used at the end of a close game or match as a sign of competitive or generally good sportsmanship (the opposite of bad game; Giveup Game included) GameGuard, a hacking protection program used in some MMORPGs Gg (pronounced "geg"), an alien race from the Star Control series of video games Guilty Gear (series)
No comprendo. What does yolo and GG mean?
Good game, internet slang that may be used at the end of a close game or match as a sign of competitive or generally good sportsmanship (the opposite of bad game; Giveup Game included)
GameGuard, a hacking protection program used in some MMORPGs
Gg (pronounced "geg"), an alien race from the Star Control series of video games
Guilty Gear (series)